-rw-r--r-- 2693 libmceliece-20240812/scripts-build/fulltest-top raw
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import subprocess import multiprocessing def thread(task): valgrind,o,p,n,offset = task command = ['PROJECT-test',o,p,'.',str(n),str(offset)] if valgrind: command = ['env','valgrind_multiplier=1','valgrind','-q','--max-stackframe=16777216','--error-exitcode=99']+command result = subprocess.run(command,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE,universal_newlines=True) if result.returncode: return task,(f'nonzero return code {result.returncode}',result.stdout,result.stderr) if len(result.stderr) > 0: # bug in test program return task,(f'nonempty errors',result.stdout,result.stderr) saidsuccess = False saidimplementation = False saiddeclassify = False for line in result.stdout.splitlines(): x = line.split() if x == ['all','tests','succeeded']: saidsuccess = True if len(x) >= 3 and x[2] == 'implementation': saidimplementation = True if x == ['valgrind','1','declassify','1']: saiddeclassify = True if not saidsuccess: # bug in test program return task,(f'did not say all tests succeeded',result.stdout,result.stderr) if not saidimplementation: return task,(f'CPU does not support implementation',result.stdout,result.stderr) if valgrind and not saiddeclassify: return task,(f'test does not support declassify',result.stdout,result.stderr) return task,(None,result.stdout,result.stderr) def checkresult(task,result): valgrind,o,p,n,offset = task failure,out,err = result printtask = f'{o}/{p} impl {n} offset {offset}' printtask += ' dataflow' if valgrind else ' conventional' for desc,what in ('output',out),('error',err): for line in what.splitlines(): print(f'{printtask} {desc}: {line}') if failure is None: print(f'{printtask} result: success') else: print(f'{printtask} result: {failure}') sys.stdout.flush() return failure is None def doit(todo): todo = list(todo) print(f'tests to run: {len(todo)}') try: threads = len(os.sched_getaffinity(0)) except: threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() threads = os.getenv('THREADS',default=threads) threads = int(threads) threads = max(threads,1) threads = min(threads,len(todo)) print(f'maximum threads allowed: {threads}') results = {} printpos = 0 ok = True with multiprocessing.Pool(threads) as p: for task,result in p.imap_unordered(thread,todo,chunksize=1): results[task] = result while printpos < len(todo): task = todo[printpos] if task not in results: break if not checkresult(task,results[task]): ok = False printpos += 1 assert printpos == len(todo) return ok