
In the following speed table, smaller numbers are better. The numbers are interquartile means of single-core cycle counts on various microarchitectures. Overclocking is disabled.

μarch KEM keypair enc dec
Zen 3 (2020) 348864f 24106405 20804 106097
348864 45106138 20546 106172
460896f 71472398 50594 204050
460896 124642452 50096 203969
6688128f 148441504 82287 243536
6688128 303266579 80930 243793
6960119f 133277867 85401 226726
6960119 267002498 85845 226876
8192128f 171644127 97821 243330
8192128 218895050 95026 243326
Cortex-A72 (2016) 348864f 199765262 184295 672946
348864 239409924 185373 672526
460896f 707851621 378691 1828393
460896 1055319290 367034 1828230
6688128f 4085611413 736156 2053586
6688128 2816930495 733524 2053047
6960119f 3582775631 738712 1968519
6960119 1978396919 735774 1969441
8192128f 5243775013 815911 2016243
8192128 4026465806 803289 2015899
Skylake (2015) 348864f 31800805 29757 124910
348864 56003519 30492 124836
460896f 101567881 66302 250087
460896 183267498 66459 250129
6688128f 239860810 109874 297573
6688128 392392725 111314 297375
6960119f 198019324 118229 272055
6960119 344836760 116636 272042
8192128f 256230685 124909 297915
8192128 412772172 125311 297838
Haswell (2013) 348864f 37721176 34748 132554
348864 53245048 34256 132541
460896f 122281345 77010 266197
460896 173340957 75487 266055
6688128f 288804317 128778 315443
6688128 461261728 128984 315809
6960119f 247469509 135686 290003
6960119 334125327 138522 290075
8192128f 316124280 146142 314719
8192128 483327051 146800 314483

Microarchitectures are listed in reverse chronological order of when they were introduced.

In the libmceliece distribution, command/mceliece-speed.c measures libmceliece; benchmarks/*-* is the output of mceliece-speed on various machines; and autogen/md-speed extracts the table from those measurements.

The table reports only interquartile means of cycle counts. See the full output files for differences between multiple measurements and the interquartile mean.

Version: This is version 2024.10.09 of the "Speed" web page.